Medieval fair headlines St Wistan’s Day celebrations in Wigston

Published: Friday, 17 May 2024

Re-enactments, an encounter with an Anglo-Saxon fletcher, performances from Morris dancers and a Punch & Judy show will all feature at a fun-filled medieval fair in Wigston.

Poster for St Wistan's Day medieval fair on 1 June 11am - 4pm on Bell Street, Wigston

Families are invited to come along to the community event in Bell Street on Saturday 1 June with entertainment scheduled throughout the afternoon, including the opportunity to enjoy live demonstrations and get involved with crafts.

The medieval festivities run from 11am to 4pm and will follow on from the traditional guided pilgrimage walk from Wistow to Wigston earlier on the same day.

Those that take part in the walk will follow in the footsteps of the historic St Wistan and should meet at 9.30am at St Wistan’s Church in Wistow before setting off on a leisurely, four-mile countryside route.

Oadby & Wigston Borough Council (OWBC) is holding the free events to mark St Wistan’s Day, with attendees of the pilgrimage finishing the walk on Bell Street where the St Wistan’s Day Medieval Fair is being held.

St Wistan – sometimes written as St Wigstan or St Wigston – was in line to be King of Mercia, however he was murdered at Wistow on 1 June c.840. The pilgrimage walk follows the route his body was taken on.

Councillor Lee Bentley, Deputy Leader of OWBC, said: “I really encourage local residents and families to get involved with the St Wistan’s Day celebrations and come along for a fun and free day out.

“This is a great opportunity to learn more about and celebrate our local history and heritage, and those who join the pilgrimage walk can also discover some of our beautiful surrounding countryside.

“The medieval fair will be a fantastic day in Wigston with lots of unique entertainment, as well as a chance for attendees to discover and support our town centre businesses, so come out and enjoy!”

Those attending the pilgrimage are advised to park in Wigston and car share to the start, or walk the return route making an 8-mile round trip. Free council-organised transport leaving Wigston town centre at 9am is available via advanced booking only. To book, email

This event is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

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