Garden Waste Service renewals and subscriptions
Renewals and sign ups are now open to receive garden waste collections for the year 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.
The cost of a fortnightly garden waste collection remains frozen at £60 for the year, and additional bins cost a further £35 (for a 240 litre bin) or £25 (for a 140 litre bin).
No matter when in the year you sign up, the cost will be a flat rate of £60 for the garden waste service until 31 March 2026 - payments will not reduce (be pro-rated) for sign ups later in the year.
Please be aware that there will be no collections during December, January and February.
Renew an existing subscription
The deadline to renew your subscription to recieve garden waste collections from 1 April 2025 is Friday 14 March 2025.
You can renew your subscription at any time, and your payment will be for the year covering 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.
You can renew your subscription here
Sign up for a new subscription
The deadline to sign up to recieve garden waste collections from 1 April 2025 is Friday 14 March 2025.
You can sign up for a subscription at any time, and your payment will be for the year covering 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026.
You can sign up for garden waste collections here
Frequently Asked Questions
When will my garden waste be collected?
It will be collected fortnightly and there is no change to your current collection date. If you need to check this, please check our online MyLocation tool.
There will be no garden waste collections in the months of December, January and February.
How will collection crews know I’ve subscribed?
The Council will keep records of who has paid and will only be collecting bins from those homes that have subscribed. You will also be issued with a new individual self-adhesive permit which you will need to stick onto the rear of the bin, and which needs to be facing towards the street on collection.
I don’t want to renew online – can I contact you by alternate means?
The quickest and easiest way to renew is through the online form. Brand new sign ups should also be done online. If you don’t have access to the internet or encounter problems, you can contact our customer services team on 0116 288 8961.
I’m not renewing, will the council come and take my garden waste bin away?
If you choose not renew and you would like us to come and remove your bin, please contact our customer services team on 0116 288 8961 to arrange this
I create garden waste during December, January and February – what can I do with it?
Garden waste can be taken to the local Recycling Household Waste Site on Wigston Road, Oadby LE2 5JE. Alternatively, you could try home composting.
Can I use a different container for my garden waste?
No. Collections will only be made from the wheeled bin(s) supplied through the Council and displaying a valid self-adhesive permit.
I have a big garden, how many bins can I have?
You can have as many bins as you like. Additional bins cost £35 (for a 240litre bin) or £25 (for 140 litre). If you are renewing this year and would now like extra bins, you can request these on your renewal form.
Can anyone use the service?
This service is for householders, not businesses. All residential premises and properties within the Borough assessed as suitable will be eligible for the service.
Do I have to join?
No, the service is entirely optional. If you do not wish to join the scheme or have a large amount of garden waste you can take it to the local Recycling Household Waste Site on Wigston Road, Oadby LE2 5JE. Alternatively, you could try home composting, see our Home Composting page for more information.
Where can I get a copy of the full terms and conditions?
Copies of the full terms and conditions are available below.
Terms and Conditions:
Garden Waste Service Terms & Conditions 2025 (PDF Document, 147.37 Kb)
What can be placed in the garden waste bin?
- Grass cuttings
- Hedge clippings
- Twigs and small branches
- Weeds with soil are shaken off
- Flowers and plants
- Leaves
- Cardboard, paper or plastic of any description
- Large quantities of soil
- Bricks or rubble
- Any household waste
- Animal waste
- Any food waste, including fallen fruit
Your wheeled bin has been left out for collection but has not been emptied
If your bin has not been emptied on the collection day and you are sure that there were no incorrect items within, please contact Customer Services on (0116) 288 8961 within 48 hours of the non-collection.
Last updated: Monday, 10 March 2025 12:57 pm