Examples of clinical waste include:
- Human or animal tissue
- Blood or other bodily fluids
- Excretions
- Drugs or other pharmaceutical products
- Swabs or dressings
- Syringes, needles or other sharp instruments
Removal of clinical waste
There is no charge for the removal of clinical waste from domestic properties. We will collect clinical waste such as sharps and needles that are placed in a sharps box. Your surgery or local health centre should provide you with the boxes.
Please note, we will only collect boxes with yellow or orange lids, provided by your surgery or local health centre.
If you have a medical condition which generates other waste such as dressings, swabs and materials containing bodily fluids, you should contact your local surgery. They will contact us to make the collection arrangements.
Request a clinical waste collection
To report a syringe or drug-related item found in a public area please contact Customer Services on Leicester (0116) 288 8961.
Last updated: Wednesday, 23 June 2021 1:59 pm