This page gives details about animal and dog fouling in the borough. It includes information about the offence of dog fouling and what can be done about it.
Most dog owners are responsible people and clear up after their pets. However some do not show this consideration and as a result, dog fouling on paths, lanes and parks can become a problem. This page explains what the law says about dog fouling, what the council can do and how residents can help.
The council wishes to provide a clean borough for all its residents to enjoy. We believe everyone should contribute to this and for dog owners, this means clearing up after their dog.
If they do not clear up a fixed penalty can be served if there is a reliable witness to the offence. It does not have to be a council officer, it could be a resident who is prepared to write an accurate witness statement describing what they saw and identifying the dog and the person in charge if he or she is present.
However, witnessing an offence is not always as easy as it sounds. It is a matter of being in the right place at the right time.
Signage under the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) enacted by the Council under the Anti-Social, Policing and Crime Act have been displayed and CCTV cameras will be used against the owners of dogs who do not act responsibly. The PSPO details the contraventions under the order and the controls in force across the Borough.
The current PSPO - Public Space Protection Order (Regulation of Dogs) (PDF Document, 2.34 Mb) - came in to force on 22 February 2018 until 23 September 2021 (inclusive). A renewed PSPO which was approved by Council in March which extended the PSPO until 24 September 2024.
This is why we ask for information from local people, to help us take action to keep our streets clean.
Last updated: Friday, 17 September 2021 9:59 am