Services provided by the council
- Local Centres Study (2017) (PDF Document, 2.73 Mb)
- Local Development Scheme (2017) (PDF Document, 627.78 Kb)
- Local Plan Equalities Impact Assessment (2018) (PDF Document, 414.04 Kb)
- Local Plan Key Challenges Consultation Responses (October to November 2015) (PDF Document, 378.08 Kb)
- Local Plan Legal Compliance Checklist (PDF Document, 457.22 Kb)
- Local Plan Preferred Options Consultation Representations November to December 2016 - Officer Responses (PDF Document, 1.07 Mb)
- Local Plan Soundness Self-Assessment Checklist (PDF Document, 830.54 Kb)
- Local Plan Spatial Strategy Submission Statement (PDF Document, 383.11 Kb)
- Local Plan Submission Document (PDF Document, 1.38 Mb)
- Local Validation Checklist - August 2024 (PDF Document, 261.94 Kb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix One - Wigston (PDF Document, 17.37 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 1 of 9) (PDF Document, 3.58 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 2 of 9) (PDF Document, 2.19 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 3 of 9) (PDF Document, 962.15 Kb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 4 of 9) (PDF Document, 4.8 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 5 of 9) (PDF Document, 4.21 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 6 of 9) (PDF Document, 2.41 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 7 of 9) (PDF Document, 4.62 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 8 of 9) (PDF Document, 6.88 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Three - Oadby (Part 9 of 9) (PDF Document, 5.32 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Appendix Two - South Wigston (PDF Document, 3.77 Mb)
- Locally Listed Buildings Review Report (2017) (PDF Document, 673.75 Kb)
- Mandatory and Discretionary Rate Relief (PDF Document, 2.97 Mb)
- Minor Variations Guidance (PDF Document, 38.68 Kb)
- MOA Rollout Plan 2010-2011 (PDF Document, 116.43 Kb)
- Monday - Recycling (PDF Document, 322.86 Kb)
- Monday - Refuse (PDF Document, 322.92 Kb)
- Montagu Evans on behalf of the University of Leicester (PDF Document, 919.45 Kb)
- Move More 4 Less Oadby and Wigston Programme 2012 (PDF Document, 332.8 Kb)
- National Planning Policy Framework (PDF Document, 869.99 Kb)
- Natural England Appropriate Assessment Letter for Area Action Plan (PDF Document, 60.74 Kb)
- New Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (August 2015) (PDF Document, 817.82 Kb)
- No Win, No Fee Housing Claims Advice (PDF Document, 2.04 Mb)
- Noise fact sheet (PDF Document, 193.26 Kb)
- Noise from cockerels and chickens (PDF Document, 180.53 Kb)
- Noise from DIY and construction sites (PDF Document, 211.87 Kb)
- Nomination Pack (including Election Agent Notification Form) (June 2024) (PDF Document, 390.94 Kb)
- Notice for display at premises for pavement licence (Word Document, 21.13 Kb)
- Notice of Election - PCC Election (2 May 2024) (PDF Document, 79.4 Kb)
- Notice of Election Agents - PCC Election (2 May 2024) (PDF Document, 79.43 Kb)
- Notice of Election Sub-Agents - PCC Election (2 May 2024) (PDF Document, 115.6 Kb)
- Notice of Election | UKPGE - Harborough, Oadby & Wigston (4 July 2024) (PDF Document, 72.15 Kb)
- Notice of Interment of Burial in Oadby Cemetery (Word Document, 170.5 Kb)
- Notice of Interment of Burial in Wigston Cemetery (Word Document, 172 Kb)
- Notice of Interment or Scattering of Ashes in Oadby Cemetery (Word Document, 37.12 Kb)
- Notice of Interment or Scattering of Ashes in Wigston Cemetery (Word Document, 170 Kb)
- Notice of Making of Off-Street Parking Places Variation Order (2022) (PDF Document, 141.78 Kb)
- Notice of Poll - PCC Election (2 May 2024) (PDF Document, 77.36 Kb)
- Notice of Review of Polling Arrangements (2023) (PDF Document, 154.63 Kb)
- Notification of Death of Liable Person (PDF Document, 150.92 Kb)