Payment Methods

Payment may be made in a number of ways, our preferred method of payment is by Direct Debit.

Direct Debit

This is the only method of payment that gives you a choice in payment dates - the 1st, 15th or 25th of the month.

Set up your direct debit

Alternatively, to pay by Direct Debit complete the application form below, or telephone us on Leicester (0116) 288 8961 option 3, and we can take the information over the phone.

Direct Debit Mandate (Word Document, 882.23 Kb)

Debit / Credit Card

Payments can be taken over the telephone by contacting us on (0116) 288 8961.

We do not accept American Express.


You can pay your council tax using our online payment facility. Payments can be made using your debit or credit card.

Make a secure payment

By Cash

Payments may be made at any Paypoint or Post Office. You will need to take your annual bill or reminder to the cashier who will scan the barcode within the letter. You can then make payment. There are thousands of stores nationally available to use.

Please send to Oadby and Wigston Borough Council, Brocks Hill Council Offices, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, LE2 5JJ

Please make cheques payable to 'Oadby and Wigston Borough Council' and in all cases please quote your account reference number and address so that we correctly allocate the payment.

Internet or Telephone Banking

To make a payment using this method please quote your account reference number and use our bank details:

National Westminster Bank

Sort Code 54-21-50

Account Number 13754432

Please note that payments made via the Internet, bill pay or Electronic Banking may take 3 to 5 working days to reach us.

Number of Payments

For demands issued in March, each year Council tax is normally payable over 10 payments starting in April, many people prefer this as it means they have two months when a payment is not required.

However, you can choose to pay over 12 months (April to March). To arrange this please contact us and we will arrange this for the next annual demand.

If you have just moved into the area, the number of payments will be dependant on the number of months remaining in the financial year.

Enforcement agents

If your account has been passed to one of our agents to collect, you can also make payments to them online by clicking on the links below.

Bristow & Sutor


Last updated: Tuesday, 25 February 2025 9:34 am