A decent, secure and affordable home is central to all residents of the Borough of Oadby and Wigston being able to live full, prosperous and happy lives; it is vital to wellbeing, employment, children’s education and managing household debt. Whilst recognising the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Government’s definition of affordable housing, this strategy alongside the Council’s Local Plan sets out the Council’s commitment to delivering affordable homes.
The Local Plan sets out the policy requirements for additional affordable housing. Affordable housing will be delivered through new social housing provision and by working collaboratively with partners who share our commitment to providing secure, affordable homes.
This strategy recognises the need for a broad approach for housing and planning services to deliver affordable housing to meet the needs of priority groups and those wanting to live in the Borough.
The strategy reaffirms the Council’s long term commitment to being a high-quality landlord with a growing stock of homes, whilst recognising the need to modernise the service to become more customer-focused.
The strategy commits the Council to increase choice through the continued use of Choice Based Lettings. We see choice and control for tenants and leaseholders as central to a modern and responsive Council owned and managed housing provider. The Council will work with the private rented sector to improve the quality and where possible the quantity of affordable private rented homes.
Have your say on our Housing Strategy Document please click Housing Strategy 2019 - 2024 (Word Document, 202.51 Kb)
Please send your feedback to communications2@oadby-wigston.gov.uk
Closing Date end of November 2019.
Last updated: Monday, 6 July 2020 10:13 pm