Alternate weekly collections

Following a review of our waste collections, from Monday 2 September we will be moving to an alternate weekly schedule with general waste taken one week and recycling the following.

Residents are receiving a letter communicating these changes – Alternate weekly collections - resident letter (PDF Document, 174.85 Kb)

New collection dates will be posted to you in August, clearly outlining your specific household collection days for both general waste and recycling bins. Please do not contact us about your dates in the meantime, as we do not have the information available.

Household black bin swaps – early bird window

Beyond 2 September, we strongly encourage you to trial the new system first to see how you get on.

If you are certain you will need a bigger black household bin when the scheme starts, you will need to request and pay for your swap in our early bird window between 20 May and 5 July. This will allow us to purchase the correct number of bins and deliver them before 2 September.

If you aren't sure if you will need a bigger bin, please don't worry. The opportunity to pay for a bin swap will remain open beyond 5 July, however residents that apply after this time will receive their bigger bin in our second period of deliveries in October this year.

A bin swap costs £38, and to arrange this please complete our online form


Please visit our FAQs webpage for more information and advice.

Residents in flats or sheltered accommodations that share communal bins

These residents have received a different letter to confirm that their communal bins will continue to be emptied weekly beyond Monday 2 September – Communal bins letter (PDF Document, 224.04 Kb)

Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2024 10:27 am