Throughout the year we consult with residents, business owners, visitors and stakeholders on a range of topics. These consultations can be found below, followed by results and findings from selected consultations.
Current consultations
Tenants' Perception Survey 2024/25
This survey is to assess how well we are performing at providing good quality homes and housing services to our tenants and help to improve our services.
By taking part in this survey you will help to shape how we improve our services.
The survey will run until March 2025.
Recently closed consultations
Planning Policy Consultations
We undertook a public consultation on the draft New Local Plan Pre-Submission document (and the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Report and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report).
We are also consulted on our draft new Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document and Design Code.
Consultation on these documents was for a 6-week period between Midday, Friday 10 January 2025 and Midday, Friday 21 February 2025.
Dog Control Public Space Protection Order
Oadby & Wigston Borough Council has a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) in place which allows us to act if dog owners commit certain offences relating to their dog.
We must review the PSPO every three years, and asked for resident's opinions on whether the PSPO should be renewed, amended or revoked.
You can view the current PSPO document here.
The consultation closed on Monday 24 February 2025.
Tree Management Plan
Our Housing Service consulted on their approach to the management of the tree population on housing land.
Tree Management Plan - 2025 Consultation Draft (PDF Document, 267.39 Kb)
This consultation closed on Monday 3 March.
Selective Licensing scheme in Wigston and South Wigston
A consultation was undertaken to explore the viability of a further Selective Licensing scheme within the borough.
The consultation opened on Monday 25 November and closed on Monday 3 February 2025.
You can view the report prepared outlining the areas the potential licensing area and justifications for selecting that area below.
Consultation Report Proposal for Selective Licensing Scheme South Wigston and Wigston (2025 – 2030) (PDF Document, 2 Mb)
Budget Consultation - 2025/26
We invited residents, tenants, businesses and organisations to comment on our draft budgets. The results will be fed back to the elected Councillors who are responsible for setting the budget, for them to consider before the budget is approved.
This consultation closed on Wednesday 15 January 2025.
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping
This consultation was on our draft Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2025-2030. This strategy is the Council’s response to the increasing pressures of homelessness and focusses on prevention, as well as increasing access to accommodation and supporting residents to prevent homelessness. You can view the draft strategy below.
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2025-2030 - Consultation Draft (PDF Document, 485.54 Kb)
This consultation opened on Monday 25 November 2024 and closed on Monday 23 December 2024.
Air Quality
This consultation sought views on the importance of air quality, the effects of poor air quality and help to identify key priorities which will have the most impact in Oadby & Wigston.
It opened on 1 November 2024 and will ran through until 1 December 2024.
The questionnaire was developed to better understand stakeholder views on the following key areas:
- Awareness and understanding of air quality and the importance of good air quality
- Which proposed activities are most and least important in improving air quality.
The findings will inform a new Air Quality strategy which will be presented for consideration and approval at the Council’s Licensing and Regulatory Committee in March 2025.
Temporary Accommodation Policy
This policy sets out our approach to the placement of households in temporary accommodation both in and outside of the borough. You can view the draft policy below.
Temporary Accommodation Policy - Consultation Draft (PDF Document, 334.27 Kb)
This consultation closed ad 12pm on Monday 2 September.
Local Validations Checklist
We have produced a new Local Validations Checklist in relation to planning applications.
Draft Local Validation Checklist 2024 (PDF Document, 228.75 Kb)
Comments closed on Friday 5 July 2024.
Rent setting policy
We asked tenants for their feedback on our draft Rent Setting Policy.
Draft Rent Setting Policy (PDF Document, 222.29 Kb)
The consultation closed at 12pm on Wednesday 29 May.
New draft Local Plan
We undertook a public consultation on the emerging New Local Plan. It seeks to cover the period up to the year 2041 and will plan for new development within the borough between now and then.
The draft Plan sets out a Vision, Spatial Objectives and Policies to guide future development in the borough.
The consultation closed at 12pm on Wednesday 15 May.
Last updated: Monday, 10 March 2025 1:42 pm