Important update: Government halts Oadby & Wigston’s Local Plan with demand for even higher housing numbers

Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan (2020-2041)

Following consultation of the Regulation 18B Preferred Options document in Spring 2024, the Council is now publishing the full version of the Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan. Following this consultation, the Council will compile and respond to representations received, and then, submit all documentation to the Secretary of State (Planning Inspectorate).

The consultation period is from 12pm Friday 10 January 2025 to 12pm Friday 21 February 2025.

The following documents are of relevance to this public consultation:

Local Plan Evidence Base

The Local Plan evidence base contains the reports and studies which have helped to shape the Regulation 19 Local Plan. This evidence is grouped into themes and can be accessed here.

If you would like to view a hard copy of the consultation documents, they are available at the following locations (please check opening times before travelling):

  • Brocks Hill Council Offices, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, LE2 5JJ

  • Oadby Library, 10, The Parade, Oadby, LE2 5BF

  • Wigston Library, Bull Head Street, LE18 1PA

  • South Wigston Library, Bassett Street, South Wigston, LE18 4PE

The Council has also prepared a Regulation 19 Local Plan FAQs sheet to assist in digesting the relevant key information.

Regulation 19 Local Plan FAQs Sheet (PDF Document, 416.83 Kb)

Responding to the consultation

Please download and complete the Representations Submission Form(s) and attach any relevant supporting evidence. We would encourage respondents to please use a new submission form for every separate matter, such as Policy, Paragraph or Site Option.

Representations Submission Form (Word Document, 71.44 Kb)

Each form and any relevant supporting evidence must be sent to us via:

  • Post: Oadby and Wigston Borough Council, FAO. Planning Policy Team, Brocks Hill Council Offices, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, LE2 5JJ

Please remember to include the chapter, policy and paragraph your comments relate to on each Submission Form to ensure that the Council’s Planning Policy Team can accurately review and take account of your comments as part of this process.

Please note: The deadline for all representations is midday on Friday 21 February 2025.

Current Local Plan

Until the New Local Plan has been through each stage of public consultation, as per the Council’s up to date Local Development Scheme, and formally adopted by the Council, the current adopted Local Plan is still up-to-date.

Last updated: Friday, 17 January 2025 9:38 am