Important update: Government halts Oadby & Wigston’s Local Plan with demand for even higher housing numbers
Regulation 19 Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan
Please click on the ‘New Local Plan’ button above to visit the draft Local Plan webpages.
Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (DC SPD)
Oadby and Wigston Borough Council (the Council) is to be publicly consulting on the planning policy document titled, the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (DC SPD).
Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (January 2025) (PDF Document, 642.08 Kb)
DC SPD Statement of Representation Procedure and Availability of Document (PDF Document, 85.09 Kb)
The purpose of this document is to provide further guidance and clarity on how contributions sought from new development will be negotiated on all major developments to ensure that sufficient infrastructure is put in place to meet the additional demands created by the new development and its increased population.
Design Code
Oadby & Wigston Borough Council (the Council) is also to be publicly consulting on the Borough’s draft Design Code for the Borough of Oadby and Wigston.
Design Code (January 2025) (PDF Document, 3.02 Mb)
The Design Code is intended to set out clear principles and standards for how development should be designed in the borough, focusing on the priority aspects of design. The code is meant to be a positive document about what should be encouraged and not a negative document about what should be prevented.
Consultation Period
The Council invites representations during the consultation period from midday on Friday 10 January 2025 until midday on Friday 21 February 2025.
How to Make a Representation
To make a representation, please either:
- Email: or
Post: Oadby and Wigston Borough Council, FAO. Planning Policy Team, Brocks Hill Council Offices, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, LE2 5JJ
Please note: The deadline for all representations is midday Friday 21 February 2025.
Last updated: Friday, 17 January 2025 9:29 am