Am I Eligible to Stand for Election?
The election of all 26 Borough Councillors to Oadby & Wigston Borough Council occurs every four years in May.
To stand for election, on the day of nomination, you must be:
- 18 or over
- A UK, EU or Commonwealth citizen
You must meet at least one of the following qualifications:
- Be registered to vote as a local government elector in the area
- Occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the local authority area
- Your main or only place of work is in the local authority area
- Live in the local authority area
You cannot stand if:
- You work for the Council
- You hold a politically restricted post for another local authority
- You are bankrupt
- You have served a prison sentence (including suspended sentences) of 3 months or more within 5 years before the election
- You have been disqualified under any legislation relating to corrupt or illegal electoral practices
You are subject to certain relevant notification requirements or orders due to sexual offences
Standing as a Councillor for a Political Party
The majority of people become Councillors as a result of joining a political party.
However, you do not need to be a member of a political party to stand as a Councillor. You will be classed as an independent.
If you are thinking of standing as a candidate for a particular political party, then you will need to be a member of that party's local organisation.
What Do I Do Next?
Once you have decided to stand for election as a Councillor, you will need to complete and return a Nomination Pack by the required deadline.
You will need to be proposed and then seconded by another person.
The independent group of the Local Government Association (LGA) has prepared a helpful guide for Councillors and candidates (please see below).
Full details of the electoral process including the nomination procedure are available on request by contacting Electoral Services.
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Last updated: Monday, 23 October 2023 4:33 pm