This page contains information relating to the Wigston Direction for Growth area.
Planning Application 13/00403/OUT (publicaccess) was considered at a special Development Control Committee meeting held on the 10th April 2014 at Abington Academy, Station Road, Wigston. The application was granted planning permission by the Committee.
Background Information
The Council's Core Strategy (2010) makes provision for a Direction for Growth to the south-east of Wigston (on land between Newton Lane and Welford Road). The purpose of the Direction for Growth is to accommodate the housing and employment growth required on greenfield land up to 2026 - after all available previously developed (brownfield) land within the town centres and the existing urban area have been taken into account.
The Core Strategy requires approximately 450 new homes and between 2.5 and 3.5 hectares of employment land to be provided on the Direction for Growth up to 2026.
David Wilson Homes prepared a concept masterplan that demonstrates how development on the Direction for Growth could come forward. The concept masterplan shows where housing and employment could be located, as well as the other necessary facilities and services that the Council’s adopted Core Strategy requires, for example, allotments, playing pitches, open space, a school and a community centre. It also shows how access and transport arrangements could work.
Oadby and Wigston Borough Council held a Public Meeting on the 17th July 2013 to discuss the proposals by David Wilson Homes (part of Barratt Development Plc) for land to the south-east of Wigston.
Approximately 60 members of the public attended the meeting. Minutes of the meeting are available to download below.
Direction for Growth Public Meeting (July 2013) (PDF Document, 33.69 Kb)
Last updated: Wednesday, 1 March 2023 3:19 pm