Location and opening hours
We have two cemeteries both of which are open to visitors every day. They are located at:
- Oadby Cemetery, Wigston Road, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5JE
- Wigston Cemetery, Welford Road, Wigston, Leicestershire, LE18 3TE
Both cemeteries have sections for:
- Full burials (over 12 years old)
- Children's Sections (full burial up to and including 12 years old)
- Interment of ash caskets (known as Garden of Remembrance or 'G of R')
- Scattering of ashes
For all cemetery services you can contact us by calling (0116) 288 8961, or emailing cemetery@oadby-wigston.gov.uk
Purchasing a grave
Graves can be purchased either at the time a funeral is arranged or (at Wigston Cemetery only), by purchasing in advance.
You can view the fees and charges for 2024 - 25 here: Cemetery Fees and Charges 2024 - 25 (PDF Document, 159.65 Kb)
After a grave is purchased, the purchaser receives a Grant of Right of Burial (known as 'the deed') which allows the deed holder to:
- be interred into the grave space (including ashes)
- authorise further interments into the grave
- place a memorial onto the grave or add inscription(s) onto an existing memorial.
The Grant of Right of Burial is a legal document which and be stored safely. For advice on extending the life of the deed or transferring ownership to someone else contact the Cemeteries Office.
The way we manage our cemeteries can be found in our Cemetery Rules and Regulations document which is attached here Cemetery Rules and Regulations (PDF Document, 669.48 Kb).
Arranging an interment
Interments and scatterings can only take place by prior appointment between the following times:
- Monday to Thursday from 9:30 a.m to 3:45 p.m (last funeral 3:15 p.m)
- Friday from 9:30 a.m to 2:30 p.m (last funeral 2:00 p.m)
We have a chapel at Wigston Cemetery that may be booked for services or ceremonies.
Grave spaces are allocated in rotation and are dug to accommodate:
- Burial Sections - up to two coffins and six ash caskets
- Gardens of Remembrance - up to two ash caskets
- Children's Sections - one coffin.
After a burial has taken place, the grave is filled in and allowed to settle for 9 to 12 months. During this time, the Deed Holder may plant the grave area. Where graves have not been planted, or where the Deed Holder has not maintained the grave for over 12 months, the grave will be turfed over or seeded by the council.
Following the interment, the Deed Holder may apply to install a memorial onto the grave. Applications are usually made through a funeral director or stonemason. Permission of the council is required before installation can take place.
Cemetery records
After an interment has taken place details are recorded in the burial registers and, in the case of new graves, the Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial (the Deed) is sent to the purchaser.
Burial registers and cemetery plans may be viewed by prior appointment with the Cemeteries Office. Searches of the registers may be made for a fee and within the confines of the General Data Protection Regulations.
We welcome enquiries about sponsoring memorial benches and tree. Plaques may be put under trees and shrubs provided these are no larger than 150 millimetres by 100 millimetres (six inches by four inches). The top of the plaque must be no more than 300 millimetres (12 inches) above ground level. Plaques can also be attached to sponsored benches and litter bins.
Voluntary organisations
The following organisations may be able to help with bereavement support:-
Cruse Bereavement Care
This organisation provides information, advice, counselling and support. Telephone their helpline on 0808 808 1677.
Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (known as 'SANDS')
Members are all parents who have suffered the loss of a baby and can offer support through one-to-one or group meetings. Telephone their helpline on 0808 164 3332.
For further information about cemeteries within the borough of Oadby and Wigston please contact us using the contact panel on the right.
Wigston Cemetery
1. Application to Purchase a Full Burial Plot in Advance (Wigston Cemetery Only)
Application Form for Purchase in Advance (Full Burial Plot) (Word Document, 44.55 Kb)
2. Application to Purchase a Cremated Remains Plot in Advance (Wigston Cemetery Only)
Application Form for Purchase in Advance (Cremated Remains Plot) (Word Document, 44.51 Kb)
3. Notice of Interment of Burial In Wigston Cemetery
Notice of Interment of Burial in Wigston Cemetery (Word Document, 172 Kb)
4. Notice of Interment or Scattering of Ashes in Wigston Cemetery
Notice of Interment or Scattering of Ashes in Wigston Cemetery (Word Document, 170 Kb)
Oadby Cemetery
Please note that purchase of a plot in advance is not available at Oadby Cemetery.
1. Notice of Interment of Burial in Oadby Cemetery
Notice of Interment of Burial in Oadby Cemetery (Word Document, 170.5 Kb)
2. Notice of Interment or Scattering of Ashes in Oadby Cemetery
Notice of Interment or Scattering of Ashes in Oadby Cemetery (Word Document, 37.12 Kb)
Last updated: Wednesday, 12 February 2025 11:22 am