Whenever we review, change or create a policy, service, procedure or strategy we aim to pay due regard to our duties under the Equality Act. Equality Assessments or EAs, are the way we assess whether our services or policies will have a positive or negative impact on different groups and what we can do to ensure we will not discriminate.
In the process of doing an assessment, we look at data about who lives in the borough and what their needs are and whether they can access the services we are offering. Wherever necessary we will talk to groups in the borough to identify their needs and consult with them to identify how the policy and so on might impact on them.
The assessment is based on identifying any barriers that exist which could lead to some groups or people being treated differently than others and not getting the service from the council that they need. By carrying out EAs Oadby and Wigston Borough Council is working to ensure our services are fair and accessible and to fulfil our public duties to:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act;
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not;
- foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
In addition, to satisfy the requirements of the amendments to Disability Discrimination Act (now incorporated in the single Equality Act 2010), regard will be given to the need to:
- promote positive attitudes of disabled people;
- encourage people with a disability to participate in public life;
- take action even if to provide equality of opportunity this requires more favourable treatment.
What is involved in carrying out an Equality Assessment?
- First, we look at our data and any equality monitoring information and analyse who is and who is not using our services. We may also look at local and national research into different needs and consult with relevant stakeholders to identify whether the policy and so on will result in a differential impact such as more or less favourable treatment for one group;
- We will then try to determine the extent of the differential impact i.e. is the impact adverse and significant;
- Next, we will agree what action could be taken to reduce or remove adverse impact, promote equality or foster good community relations;
- Finally, we will determine whether the action required, is reasonable (i.e. cost-effective and within resources available) and proportionate to the impact.
To download a blank Equality Assessment form - please click here: Equality Assessment Form (PDF) (PDF Document, 173.47 Kb)
You can use this link to find out more about Equality Impact Assessments.
Last updated: Wednesday, 8 November 2023 3:18 pm