Natural play area

Supported by the Big Lottery Fund, this 2008 addition to the park was initiated by requests to offer extra play provision for children of all ages and abilities. It covers an area of just under 1.5 acres (0.6 hectares) and boasts a range of play equipment including towers, swings and slides; all set around the landscaped 'Brocks Hill Mountain' to encourage 'natural' play. There are also seats around the area. The design brief was based upon feedback gained from local children and visiting families, with the winning design chosen for the innovative use of space and degree of natural and inclusive play.

Enclosed play area

The fenced-off, the smaller play area has been designed for children aged between two and eight. It is located near to the main building and has seating within. This play area includes a multi-use play tower (suitable for children aged three years) and 'flower' tunnel to keep your toddlers and young children entertained, as well as two swings and lots of seating.

Last updated: Wednesday, 29 May 2024 4:24 pm