- Fee Table B (Domestic Works) (PDF Document, 124.66 Kb)
- Fee Table C (Non-Domestic Works) (PDF Document, 28.68 Kb)
- FHRS Appeal Form (Word Document, 113.13 Kb)
- FHRS Request for Re-visit Form (Word Document, 117.36 Kb)
- FHRS Right to Reply Form (Word Document, 97.41 Kb)
- Final (Acting) Returning Officer's Comments and Proposals (2023) (PDF Document, 435.81 Kb)
- Final Inspector's Report - Town Centres Area Action Plan DPD (PDF Document, 291 Kb)
- Final Open Tender Document Four - Response Form (Word Document, 84.84 Kb)
- Final Programme (PDF Document, 98.7 Kb)
- Final Statement of Common Ground with David Wilson Homes (PDF Document, 2.89 Mb)
- Final Statement of Common Ground with Gordon White & Hood (PDF Document, 2.06 Mb)
- Final Statement of Common Ground with Historic England (PDF Document, 5.57 Mb)
- Finance - Privacy Notice (PDF Document, 171.28 Kb)
- Fire Safety Risk Assessment (Word Document, 50 Kb)
- Fire Safety Risk Assessment Guidance (Word Document, 15.4 Kb)
- Flooding - Sequential and Exception Tests (Winter 2024-25) (PDF Document, 388.94 Kb)
- Form 1 - Written Householder (Word Document, 77.21 Kb)
- Form 10 - 4-9 new dwellings (Word Document, 77.56 Kb)
- Form 10A - 4-9 new dwellings (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 77.81 Kb)
- Form 11 - 10-49 new dwellings (Word Document, 77.42 Kb)
- Form 11A - 10-49 new dwellings (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 77.69 Kb)
- Form 12 - 50-199 new dwellings (Word Document, 77.5 Kb)
- Form 12A - 50-199 new dwellings (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 77.7 Kb)
- Form 13 - 200-399 new dwellings (Word Document, 77.54 Kb)
- Form 13A - 200-399 new dwellings (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 77.69 Kb)
- Form 14 - 400 or more new dwellings (Word Document, 77.45 Kb)
- Form 14A - 400 or more new dwellings (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 77.81 Kb)
- Form 1A - Written Householder - (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 80.39 Kb)
- Form 2 - Small scale development (commercial) below 100m2 (Word Document, 80.18 Kb)
- Form 2A - Small scale development (commercial) (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 80.33 Kb)
- Form 3 - Small-medium scale development (commercial) between 100m2 & 499m2 (Word Document, 80.2 Kb)
- Form 3A - Small-medium scale development (commercial) (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 80.5 Kb)
- Form 4 - Medium scale development (commercial) between 500m2 & 999m2 (Word Document, 80.11 Kb)
- Form 4A - Medium scale development (commercial) (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 80.38 Kb)
- Form 5 - Larger scale development (commercial) over 1000m2 (Word Document, 80.11 Kb)
- Form 5A - Larger scale development (commercial) (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 80.34 Kb)
- Form 6 - Advertising related advice (Word Document, 77.34 Kb)
- Form 7 - Changes of use (Word Document, 77.47 Kb)
- Form 8 - Telecommunications equipment apparatus (Word Document, 77.5 Kb)
- Form 9 - 1-3 new dwellings (Word Document, 77.56 Kb)
- Form 9A - 1-3 new dwellings (H-A Advice) (Word Document, 77.68 Kb)
- Form to Appeal Against Benefit Decision (PDF Document, 26.95 Kb)
- Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy (PDF Document, 425.76 Kb)
- Friday - Recycling (PDF Document, 323.82 Kb)
- Friday - Refuse (PDF Document, 323.81 Kb)
- Full Plans Application Form (PDF Document, 259.95 Kb)
- Full Proposed Off-Street Parking Places Variation Order (2022) (PDF Document, 369.17 Kb)
- Further Green Wedge Note (PDF Document, 949.53 Kb)
Showing 1 to 48 of 48