- Safe Garden Walls Leaflet (PDF Document, 266.74 Kb)
- Sales, Fees and Charges 2022-23 (PDF Document, 833.66 Kb)
- Sales, Fees and Charges 2023-24 (PDF Document, 738.62 Kb)
- Sales, Fees and Charges 2024-25 (PDF Document, 268.36 Kb)
- Sample Health & Safety Policy (Word Document, 68.39 Kb)
- Schedule of Minor Changes (PDF Document, 257.12 Kb)
- Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications for the Submission Local Plan (PDF Document, 389.55 Kb)
- Schedule of Proposed Minor Modifications for the Submission Local Plan (PDF Document, 678.15 Kb)
- Schedule of Suggested Changes for Consultation Part 1 (PDF Document, 705.82 Kb)
- Schedule of Suggested Changes for Consultation Part 2 (PDF Document, 1.04 Mb)
- Scheme of Members' Allowances (2019-20) (PDF Document, 160.21 Kb)
- Scheme of Members' Allowances (2020-21) (PDF Document, 97.48 Kb)
- Scheme of Members' Allowances (2021-22) (PDF Document, 82.77 Kb)
- Scheme of Members' Allowances (2022-23) (PDF Document, 80.71 Kb)
- Scheme of Members' Allowances (2023-24) (PDF Document, 108.57 Kb)
- Scheme of Members' Allowances (2024-25) (PDF Document, 359.79 Kb)
- SCI and SPD Adoption Statement 2019 (PDF Document, 570.15 Kb)
- Scrap Metal Policy (PDF Document, 429.96 Kb)
- Sculpture Trail Information Sheet (PDF Document, 3.7 Mb)
- Secrecy Requirements | Poll, Postal Voting and Verification & Count (Combined) (PDF Document, 202.1 Kb)
- Section 215 Notices - Best Practice Guidance (PDF Document, 486.94 Kb)
- Selective Licensing An Introduction (PDF Document, 460.59 Kb)
- Severe Mental Impairment Application Form (PDF Document, 199.3 Kb)
- Sheltered Scheme Handbook (PDF Document, 186.06 Kb)
- Site Selection Methodology and Rationale - Winter 2024-25 (PDF Document, 255.17 Kb)
- Situation of Polling Stations (Oadby & Wigston) - PCC Election (2 May 2024) (PDF Document, 22.89 Kb)
- Situation of Polling Stations | UKPGE - Harborough, Oadby & Wigston (4 July 2024) (PDF Document, 38.36 Kb)
- Skin piercing by-laws (PDF Document, 107.52 Kb)
- Skin Piercing Code of Practice (PDF Document, 210.56 Kb)
- Small Business Rates Relief Application (Word Document, 44.34 Kb)
- Smoke Control Areas (List of Streets Included) (PDF Document, 18.69 Kb)
- Smoke Control Areas Map (PDF Document, 748.53 Kb)
- South East Leicestershire Transport Study Phase 1 Appendix A (PDF Document, 2.54 Mb)
- South East Leicestershire Transport Study Phase 1 Appendix B (PDF Document, 1.87 Mb)
- South East Leicestershire Transport Study Phase 1 Main Report (PDF Document, 622.03 Kb)
- South East Leicestershire Transport Study Phase 2 Main Report (2017) (PDF Document, 2.59 Mb)
- South Leicestershire Joint Transport Evidence (Stage 1 – January 2025) (PDF Document, 10.26 Mb)
- South of Leicester Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (2023) (PDF Document, 53.07 Mb)
- South Wigston Alcohol Exclusion Zone (PDF Document, 12.51 Kb)
- South Wigston Conservation Area Appraisal Enhancement Map (PDF Document, 271.83 Kb)
- South Wigston Conservation Area Appraisal Part 1 (PDF Document, 144.03 Kb)
- South Wigston Conservation Area Appraisal Part 2 (PDF Document, 271.18 Kb)
- South Wigston Conservation Area Appraisal Part 4 (PDF Document, 288.21 Kb)
- South Wigston Conservation Area Appraisal Part 4 (PDF Document, 19.88 Kb)
- South Wigston Conservation Area Boundary Map (PDF Document, 304.58 Kb)
- South Wigston Conservation Area Development Control Guidance (Low Resolution) (PDF Document, 72.39 Kb)
- South Wigston Regeneration Masterplan Part 1 (PDF Document, 5.12 Mb)
- South Wigston Regeneration Masterplan Part 2 (PDF Document, 6.71 Mb)
- South Wigston Regeneration Masterplan Part 3 (PDF Document, 6.65 Mb)
- South Wigston Shop Front Improvement Scheme Application Form (Word Document, 606.11 Kb)