- Land and Buildings Disposal Policy (PDF Document, 467.62 Kb)
- Land at Britford Avenue (PDF Document, 48.88 Kb)
- Land at Leicester Road Neighbourhood Centre (PDF Document, 112.2 Kb)
- Land at North of Newton Lane (PDF Document, 690.6 Kb)
- Land Off Saffron Lane Planning Brief (PDF Document, 1.13 Mb)
- Land Opposite Highfield Farm (PDF Document, 44.13 Kb)
- Landscape Character Assessment (2018) (PDF Document, 9.93 Mb)
- Landscape Character Assessment Appendices (2018) (PDF Document, 8.71 Mb)
- LDO Consultation Brooksby Square (1) (PDF Document, 511.63 Kb)
- Legal Services - Privacy Notice (PDF Document, 179.55 Kb)
- Leicester and Leicestershire Green Wedge Review Joint Methodology (PDF Document, 272.24 Kb)
- Leicester and Leicestershire Green Wedge Review Joint Methodology (2011) (PDF Document, 272.24 Kb)
- Leicester and Leicestershire Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People Accommodation Assessment (2017) (PDF Document, 2.48 Mb)
- Leicester and Leicestershire Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Show People Accommodation Assessment (2017) (PDF Document, 2.49 Mb)
- Leicester and Leicestershire Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (2017) (PDF Document, 3.61 Mb)
- Leicester and Leicestershire Housing Market Area Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Methodology Paper (2016) (PDF Document, 541.72 Kb)
- Leicester and Leicestershire Strategic Growth Plan - Leicester and Leicestershire 2050: Our Vision for Growth - Consultation Document (PDF Document, 3.03 Mb)
- Leicestershire Act 1985 (Section 23) (PDF Document, 18.74 Kb)
- Letter from District Councils to Cllr Rushton (PDF Document, 479.69 Kb)
- Letter to minister - flooding (PDF Document, 129.14 Kb)
- Letter to Neil O'Brien MP - Draft Car Parking Strategy (PDF Document, 280.72 Kb)
- Letter to noisy neighbour template (Word Document, 24.5 Kb)
- LGA Progress Review Report (PDF Document, 216.48 Kb)
- Licensing - Privacy Notice (PDF Document, 229.7 Kb)
- Licensing of Sex Establishments Policy (PDF Document, 940.33 Kb)
- List of Polling Stations | Harborough, Oadby & Wigston (July 2024) (PDF Document, 58.93 Kb)
- Litter Strategy 2022 - 27 (PDF Document, 271.45 Kb)
- Litter Strategy Action Plan (PDF Document, 253.08 Kb)
- Little Hill Shops Neighbourhood Centre (PDF Document, 71.39 Kb)
- Local Centres Study (2017) (PDF Document, 2.73 Mb)
- Local Centres Study (2024) (PDF Document, 2.89 Mb)
- Local Centres Study (2024) (PDF Document, 2.97 Mb)
- Local Development Framework Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Part 1 (PDF Document, 269.15 Kb)
- Local Development Framework Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report Part 2 (PDF Document, 146.79 Kb)
- Local Development Scheme (2017) (PDF Document, 627.78 Kb)
- Local Development Scheme (Autumn 2024) (PDF Document, 877.07 Kb)
- Local Development Scheme (Autumn 2024) (PDF Document, 877.07 Kb)
- Local Development Scheme (Spring 2024) (PDF Document, 871.17 Kb)
- Local Development Scheme - February 2025 (PDF Document, 896.71 Kb)
- Local Green Space Assessment (October 2024) (PDF Document, 4.87 Mb)
- Local Plan - Main Modifications Consultation Statement (PDF Document, 380.52 Kb)
- Local Plan - Proposed Adopted Policies Map (PDF Document, 1.76 Mb)
- Local Plan - Revised HRA (PDF Document, 4.43 Mb)
- Local Plan - SA Addendum for Schedule of Main Modifications (PDF Document, 690.25 Kb)
- Local Plan - Schedule of Main Modifications (PDF Document, 884.46 Kb)
- Local Plan - Schedule of Minor Modifications (PDF Document, 658.09 Kb)
- Local Plan Adoption Statement 2019 (PDF Document, 573.69 Kb)
- Local Plan Equalities Impact Assessment (2018) (PDF Document, 414.04 Kb)
- Local Plan Issues and Options (Regulation 18A) Statement of Consultation (PDF Document, 3.92 Mb)
- Local Plan Key Challenges Consultation Responses (October to November 2015) (PDF Document, 378.08 Kb)