- Oadby & Wigston Borough Council Statement of Gambling Policy 2022-2025 (Word Document, 461.83 Kb)
- Oadby & Wigston CSP - Strategic Plan 2021-24 (PDF Document, 1.33 Mb)
- Oadby & Wigston Unaudited Financial Statements 2023-24 (PDF Document, 1.5 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Adopted Local Plan 1999 (PDF Document, 1.33 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Affordable Housing Viability (2016) (PDF Document, 2.74 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Economic Regeneration Strategy (2015) (PDF Document, 7.82 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Borough Council Whole Plan Viability Study (2017) (PDF Document, 4.09 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Core Strategy (2010) (PDF Document, 2.13 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Corporate Plan to 2019 (PDF Document, 302.72 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Corporate Strategy (2024-2027) (PDF Document, 1.75 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Economic Regeneration Strategy (2023-2028) (PDF Document, 929.28 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Employment Land and Premises Study (2017) (PDF Document, 3.37 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Employment Land Availability Report 2013-14 (PDF Document, 622.03 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Extended Phase One Habitat Survey (2017) (PDF Document, 20.88 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) - November 2024 (PDF Document, 1.06 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Housing Topic Paper (Winter 2024/2025) (PDF Document, 671.07 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Landscape Character Assessment - Appendices (2018) (PDF Document, 8.45 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Landscape Character Assessment - Parts 1 to 3 (2018) (PDF Document, 2.45 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Landscape Character Assessment - Parts 4 to 6 (2018) (PDF Document, 6.43 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston List of Assets of Community Value (Excel Spreadsheet, 12.89 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Local Green Space Assessment (2017) (PDF Document, 386.98 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Local Green Space Assessment (2017) - Appendices 1 and 2 (PDF Document, 4.71 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Local Green Space Assessment (2017) - Appendix 3 (PDF Document, 4.41 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Local Plan Draft Adopted Policies Map (November 2017) (PDF Document, 11.87 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Local Plan Pre-Submission Consultation Document (November 2017) (PDF Document, 2.39 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Local Plan Pre-Submission Statement of Representation (November 2017) (PDF Document, 260.34 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Open Space Audit (2017) (PDF Document, 2.41 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Phase One Habitat Survey - Part One (PDF Document, 1.12 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Phase One Habitat Survey - Part Three (PDF Document, 1.37 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Phase One Habitat Survey - Part Two (PDF Document, 1.13 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy (2018) (PDF Document, 1.16 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix A (2018) (PDF Document, 210.69 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix B (2018) (PDF Document, 810.87 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix C (2018) (PDF Document, 773.6 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix D (2018) (PDF Document, 36.18 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Playing Pitch Strategy - Appendix E (2018) (PDF Document, 42.06 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Retail Capacity Study (2016) (PDF Document, 5.91 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Retail Capacity Study - Executive Summary, November 2016 (PDF Document, 552.75 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston SA/SEA/HRA Pre-Submission Representations and Responses (2018) (PDF Document, 144.92 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Saved Local Plan (1999) (PDF Document, 1.33 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Single Equality Scheme 2011 (PDF Document, 359.47 Kb)
- Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan Development Plan Document (2013) (PDF Document, 11.75 Mb)
- Oadby and Wigston Whole Plan Viability Study (2024) (PDF Document, 16.42 Mb)
- Oadby Brocks Hill Ward Map (PNG Image, 1.15 Mb)
- Oadby Court Conservation Area Appraisal and DC Guidance (PDF Document, 377.04 Kb)
- Oadby Court Conservation Area Boundary Map (PDF Document, 192.1 Kb)
- Oadby Court Conservation Area Notification of Amendments (PDF Document, 18.45 Kb)
- Oadby Court Conservation Area Report of Consultation (PDF Document, 45.15 Kb)
- Oadby Grange Ward Map (PNG Image, 1.23 Mb)
- Oadby Hill Top and Meadowcourt Conservation Area Appraisal (PDF Document, 637.83 Kb)