This page explains that Oadby and Wigston Borough Council carried out a consultation on the Suggested Changes put forward through the Oadby and Wigston Town Centres Area Action Plan (AAP) and other post-hearing documents produced by the Council. It lists the changes to the AAP which were proposed.
Suggested Changes
The Suggested Changes to the submitted AAP are listed in the documents below. These changes were suggested by the Council in response to representations made at publication stage (from October to December 2011) and issues raised by the Inspector during the Examination and Hearing sessions.
Table of Suggested Changes:
- Table of Suggested Changes for Consultation (PDF Document, 655.89 Kb)
- Additional Suggested Change - SC56 (PDF Document, 30.97 Kb)
Schedule of Suggested Changes (with the changes in their context in the Area Action Plan):
- Schedule of Suggested Changes for Consultation Part 1 (PDF Document, 705.82 Kb)
- Schedule of Suggested Changes for Consultation Part 2 (PDF Document, 1.04 Mb)
Post-hearing documents
In addition to consulting on the suggested changes to the AAP, the Council also invited representations on a series of other documents produced following the Hearing sessions, documents can be found on the Area Action Plan Examination page:
- U1a - Retail sales figures submitted by Oadby Town Centre Association
- U1b - Council response to OTCA's commentary on the retail figures in relation to the timing of the Council's parking survey
- U2 - Table of proposed changes to the AAP (see above)
- U3 - Schedule of proposed changes to the AAP (see above)
- U4 - Further information from the Council regarding phasing and car parking, and response to Day 3 suggested changes (T1c)
- U5 - Updated sensitivity analysis
- U6a - Sandhurst Street and Baxter's Place car park site sections
- U6b - Baxter's Place explanation
- U7 - Council response to Oadby Civic Society parking statistics (T7)
- U8 - Viability testing Local Plans
- U9 - Schedule of Minor Changes 21 June 2012
- U10 - Additional Suggested Change - SC56
Last updated: Wednesday, 15 July 2020 6:43 pm