This page provides information about the masterplan for Wigston, including relevant links and documents.
Prior to both masterplans being combined into a single document the Planning Policy team created separate masterplans for both Wigston and Oadby town centres. The masterplans set out clear planning frameworks for the future of the centres, including strategies for transport, public realm and design as well as detailed development guidance on a number of key sites, which will inform future decisions on development proposals and planning applications. This page sets out details of the Wigston Town Centre Masterplan and links to the document.
The built form within the town centre is relatively compact with smaller retail and residential units along Long Street, Leicester Road and Moat Street. These buildings provide a good frontage onto the street some displaying high-quality architectural features.
Addendum Reports for Consultation
The Council have consulted on addendum reports for Wigston town centre that should be read in the direct link to the preferred options below.
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Addendum Report (PDF Document, 649.06 Kb)
Wigston Town Centre Area Action Plan Addendum Map (PDF Document, 489.75 Kb)
Wigston Town Centre Area Action Plan Addendum Report Sustainability Appraisal (PDF Document, 267.91 Kb)
Preferred Options
The preferred options report is the latest stage, it sets out the preferred options for the future approach and planning policy direction for Wigston town centre. It also outlines a proposed masterplan for the development of the core of the town centre, offering design and impact, as well as transport and delivery information.
The preferred options report was on public consultation from Friday, 9th November 2007 to 12th noon Friday, 21 December 2007.
Further details on the Preferred Options
Issues and Options
The issues and options stage of the AAP sets out a summary of the baseline review and the options for the future of the towns. The issues and options paper went out for public consultation from the masterplan went out for consultation from Friday 29th June to Friday 10th August 2007.
Further details on the Issues and Options Paper
Baseline Report
The Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Baseline Report sets out an in depth evidence base upon which to move forward and if necessary support the area action plan through examination.
Last updated: Wednesday, 15 July 2020 7:54 pm