The Issues and Options stage of the study has involved the generation of different levels of intervention or change in each of the areas or sites identified through the Baseline Report. This has been informed, by the baseline research, discussion, best practice and professional knowledge and experience. The draft options were changed in the light of the outcomes of the options workshop and then taken forward for further assessment as set out in this report.
The built form within the town centre is relatively compact with smaller retail and residential units along Long Street, Leicester Road and Moat Street. These buildings provide a good frontage onto the street some displaying high-quality architectural features.
The town centre is clearly an important provider of local services – with banks, solicitors, and especially estate agents in plentiful numbers. Leicester Road is clearly an attraction for these uses, although such uses do not necessarily contribute to the vibrancy of the shopping experience.
Issues and Options Report
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Issues and Options Part 1 (PDF Document, 299.34 Kb)
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Issues and Options Part 2 (PDF Document, 158.7 Kb)
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Issues and Options Part 3 (PDF Document, 132.87 Kb)
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Issues and Options Part 4 (PDF Document, 132.75 Kb)
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Issues and Options Part 5 (PDF Document, 112.88 Kb)
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Issues and Options Part 6 (PDF Document, 37.98 Kb)
Sustainability Appraisal is a process through which the sustainability of a plan under preparation is assessed. Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 Sustainability Appraisals are mandatory for the Local Plan documents.
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Issues and Options Sustainability Appraisal (PDF Document, 702.33 Kb)
Issues and Options Consultation
The Issues and Options Paper was consulted upon from Friday 29th June 2007 to Friday 10th August 2007. The link below outlines the representations received.
Wigston Town Centre Masterplan Area Action Plan Issues and Options Representations (PDF Document, 33.66 Kb)
Last updated: Wednesday, 15 July 2020 6:33 pm