Introductory tenancies are a probationary tenancy for twelve months. During this time your tenancy will be monitored closely to ensure that you keep to your tenancy conditions such as keeping regular rent payments and not causing anti-social behaviour.
The problems of noise, nuisance and anti-social behaviour can cause stress to other residents and we want to safeguard and improve the quality of life for all our residents. Using introductory tenancies encourages people to behave responsibly and in a way that is acceptable to the rest of the community.
Introductory tenants do not have the same rights as secure tenants. You do not have the right to:
- the same protection from eviction for any breach of the tenancy agreement,
- buy your council property,
- assign or transfer the tenancy,
- take in lodgers,
- carry out improvements or
- mutually exchange with another tenant.
We will monitor your introductory tenancy and if there are any serious breaches of your tenancy conditions then we will take action against you. We can extend your introductory tenancy for a further six months if there are such issues. If problems persist we will take action to end your tenancy. You will be notified of any action that we propose to take and you will be able to appeal against our decision to end your tenancy. You must remember that you are responsible for your own behaviour and that of members of your family or visitors to your home.
Some of the breaches of tenancy conditions are:
- rent arrears,
- violence or threats of violence,
- a risk of damage to a property,
- continuing with a large number of minor incidents, after you have been warned,
- harassment which has serious effects on the victim or members of his or her family or
- using the property for illegal or immoral purposes, for example, drug dealing.
Last updated: Monday, 6 July 2020 9:32 pm