What is the Sanctuary Scheme?
The Sanctuary Scheme allows victims to remain in the familiar environment of their home whilst they are experiencing the problems that arise as a result of sexual or domestic violence.
What does it provide?
It provides professionally installed security measures to the house of the victim.
Who is it for?
It works for victims who wish to stay in their own home, where it is their choice, where it is safe to do so and where the perpetrator no longer lives within the accommodation. However, Sanctuary Schemes must work as part of a package of protection and support services, to ensure that the victim/survivor is not only safe inside the home, but also when out and about outside too.
Who is it not for?
For some people, the scheme will not be appropriate, and it will be safer for them to move into temporary accommodation or refuges. They can then be re-housed away from their home area. In all cases, it is vital that there is clear and ongoing risk assessment and that safety is paramount.
Who runs the schemes?
The target hardening service delivered by 24/7 Locks and commenced on the 1 January 2016 and delivers target hardening to victims referred through both Victim First and the new United Against Violence and Abuse (UAVA) service for victims of sexual and domestic violence/abuse.
Last updated: Wednesday, 1 July 2020 8:53 pm