Are you aged between 11 and 19? Do you have something to say about your experiences in the Borough? Do you want to make a change within your Community? If so then read on!
The Oadby & Wigston Youth Council is actively working to make a difference for young people in their Borough through the undertaking of local, and national, campaigns.
About the Youth Council
Open to any young person aged 11-19 that lives, schools, or works within the Borough, or regularly visits it, we strive to ensure that your voice doesn’t go unheard in the development of your community.
Do you want to see new facilities introduced to your local park? Do you feel that, as a young person, transport within the Borough is too expensive? Do you want to have a say on how the Council allocates its youth budgets? We’re always looking for new members enthusiastic about their community, and the betterment of it, so if you’d like to see something change, why not join us?
As an added bonus, for Duke of Edinburgh Award participants attending the Youth Council can also count toward completion of the Service component of the award, and involvement in the Youth Council can also be looked upon favourably as part of UCAS applications and CVs.
For further information please contact Mark Smith, the Council’s Community Safety and Youth Officer, via or via 0116 257 2675 for an informal conversation about the Youth Council.
Last updated: Tuesday, 21 February 2023 3:51 pm